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Online Booking Solutions


Rental Module

rentals iconThe system uses a search facility showing the rentals available for a specific date range, the customer then chooses the number required andany specified extras. It then requests personal details and give a total price before moving onto the payment system.

The administration system allows for the setting of the values relating to the rental. Examples would be Add a rental, Delete a rental, Change Pricing, View rentals

Additional functionality can be added:

  • to allow for a % reduction based on length of rental. System will allow for start and end day values and specified %. The system will then apply these values against the daily rate.
  • A damage waiver field  can be added to allow for the setting of a damage waiver value in the rental purchase.
  • Email Alert - the system will send an email each morning detailing the orders that should be dispatched on that day.
  • The system enables you to search for payments made based on a booking ref/order reference.

The rental module costs £395 set up and £45 a month licence fee . The rental booking system can also display your product list and details pages, in which case there may be additional design fees to integrate into your website.

How do we integrate it into your website? We need FTP access to your website files and insert some simple code into the relevent pages. The rental booking system can run in either a pop up window from a link on your website, or in a seamless inline frame within an existing web page.

CALL: 0845 868 9818 to discuss specific integration costs for your site.

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