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Online Booking Solutions

Suite 3, North Road
Fort William
PH33 6PP

01397 706 342

Internet Merchant Account

Although internet-based transactions fall into the same category as mail-order/telephone-order sales (i.e. "cardholder not present"), you need an Internet Merchant Account rather than a "standard" merchant account to accept internet payments.

If you already have a merchant account from your bank, you should request them to upgrade your account to an Internet Merchant Account to allow you to accept transactions across the internet.

Some banks will need to carry out a risk analysis of your business activitites before authorising you to accept Internet transactions. This can take a few weeks so the earlier the application is made the better

Your bank will issue you with an internet merchant account number after setting up your account. Please let us know this number as soon as possible, as we need to enter it into our system before you can go live with online payments.